The world is experiencing unprecedented times of crisis caused by Covid-19. The best we can do, right now, is to play safe – take care of yourself, maintain basic hygiene habits and abide by the government measures of social distancing and self-isolation, if needed. This is for the welfare of us all.

Unfortunately, this also means, our exciting days of football coaching and enjoyable matches have come to an end earlier this academic year. We, the management and coaches of CTM Sports want to thank the school authorities, parents and friends of Anisha Global Schools for entrusting this responsibility of helping your students / children in teaching not only football skills and practices to strengthen their physical fitness and abilities, but also skills for life that will last beyond their schooling years, into their adulthood and, hopefully, things they will remember and practice for the rest of their lives.

We look forward for continuing the good relationships and partnership in a near future. Until then, we leave you with a few memorable pictures. And remember: Play safe, stay safe and, God willing, see you soon!